Myla Nine Months Old

Our Myla turned 9 months old yesterday.  9 months old carries so much weight for us, but ignoring that for now - I will focus on Myla and who she is today!  She is a happy girl (I'm repetitive, I know, but it is the best way to describe her).  She is good at sitting up, though still tumbles over from time to time.  Seemingly no interest in crawling but loves assisted standing and pulling herself to peek over the side of her crib in the morning.  She has NO TEETH.  I'm told this is no biggie.  She LOVES eating food herself (one of the reasons I wish she would get a tooth or two) - mostly puffs, teething biscuits and cheerios.  She loves to stare people down until they make eye contact with her and then she flashes her gigantic smile.  She is SO into Mo - anything he does is funny and special in her eyes.  She is also already a daddy's girl.  Ted carries her around on his shoulders around the house and she looks so proud.  She also started sleeping through the night this past month - HALLELUJAH!  She is the cutest.  Honestly.


Chantel said...

I know I said this last month but those rolls!! I love it. My girls had chubby little rolls and it was just too cute.

Abby Leviss said...

Her thighs make me crazy!!

TamaraL said...

Happy Nine months, Myla! You are adorable!

robyn said...

she is delightful. i wish i lived closer to you so i could spend time with her (and all of you) and squeeze those thighs. All your kids are fabulous...can't wait to see what #4 brings. xoxo.

Lainie said...

LOVE!!!! Happy nine months you little doll baby!!!

Jayden's Mommy said...

I love her chunks. Sunny Smile.

Taryn said...

That smile! Her hair! Her rolls! Those bright eyes! It just doesn't get better! Perfection!