Mo's Hat

Our friends Erika and Ian got Mo the cutest hat for his birthday in July.  Ted and I were so bummed that he would never wear it - he hates hats and always takes them immediately off his head. But then, a couple of weeks ago, he just grabbed it and put it on! We love how cute he looks in this dapper hat!

The last photo is of Mo with Harlan, Erika and Ian's baby.

By the way, Ted says Salma Hayek was never his celebrity crush. Maybe she was mine and I got confused. ;)


Egreeno said...

LOVE the hat!!! Mo is getting so big, eating with a fork, choosing his own fashions. . . Miss you and him so much!!

Anna said...

that hat is adorable and so is mo!

jessica said...

Cuter than words can say! xoxo