Mo's Best Trick

I made this video for myself so that I can watch it whenever I want while I am gone.  He doesn't talk yet BUT he knows all of his favorite animal's sounds:

I'll miss you Bubba!
I love you more than anything!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a smart boy! And so stinking cute!!

Jayden's Mommy said...

Such s cute video.

robyn said...

sooooo adorable!!! that squirrel sound was just too much cuteness.

robyn said...

seriously...i can't stop watching this.

Rose said...

Mo!! So cute and smart!!

Egreeno said...

Oh my, how does he just keep getting cuter!!! Is he looking at the dogs when you ask him what dogs say at the end?

jessica said...

SOOO cute! I may have to watch this all day long. Love you Mo!

Rachael Petru Horowitz said...

The other shift...suddenly Mo is a little PERSON! love this. I think I may watch it many times, too. I'll be thinking of you while you're in Israel, Abby. Enjoy the flight and the cottage cheese (also one of my fave things about Israel!)

Taryn said...

I bet this video is going to get some good mileage this next week and beyond! So darling!