In our room

Mo still sleeps in our room.  I meant to move him ages ago, but it just didn't happen.  I probably need to move him soon or he is going to be like, "Why are you putting me to sleep in the playroom instead of in the big cozy room with you guys?"  I am confident enough in my sleep training skills that I think I could retrain him but I wouldn't bet much on it.  I think it is time........soon.

Only, I just can't imagine not having him in here with us.  I check on him all throughout the night.  I love waking up to his squeaky cries (even when they start at 4:30 am like they did today).  I love not having to move much to bring him into bed with us.  And, I don't know - for no good reason at all, I am nervous to have him sleep in his own room.  Max started sleeping in there at four months!  Mo is 17 months old!

Part of me wonders if he might sleep in a little later if he was in his own room (though we are very quiet and in fact, totally asleep when he wakes up in the morning).  That would be really nice actually.  I imagine sleeping in until the luxurious late hour of six am and I already feel all excited and well rested!  Though I know we'd have at least a few days of night long wakings while he got used to his new space.

It's time isn't it?  Or, should I keep him in here with us just a *little* bit longer?


Bianca said...

In my opinion there is no rush if it makes you and Mo more comfortable. He's still such a small guy, there's plenty of time for him to sleep in his own room someday. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I would keep him with you as long as it is working for all of you. I found comfort having my kids in the room with me when they were babies.

Chantel said...

I'm no help. We had one in our room until she was 3 because she wouldn't sleep elsewhere. Every kid is different and you just have to do what works.

jen said...

Keep him with you as long as it works for you guys. My son slept with me until he was 2.5 then had a short break and is back in our room. He's 4 now. My daughter sleeps better alone and has from the beginning. Given the circumstances, do what feels right.

robyn said...

no one can tell you what to do here, you have to go with what you want and how you feel...there is no right or wrong answer. if you and/or mo aren't ready then you wait a little longer. you'll know when you're ready, we did. hugs to you all.

Susan said...

Your are little league - John went to the spare room the night M was born, and she has slept in the bed ever since, and Daddy hasn't been back. When we go to a cottage, she looks for the Master Bedroom and says "this is our bed" and she means me and her :) She is 2 1/2 years old in a few days... My MIL is probably horrified...

They are still so little - plenty of time to do things different later. We all sleep great this way - just do as you want Abby - it doesn't matter where your toddler sleeps. I think night time bed hopping is a very secret phenomena - if you came to my house, you'd see M's playroom and single bed and probably assume she sleeps there. We all feel under such pressure to get them to grow up and sleep alone etc, we fail to realise that loads of small children are in with mum and dad xx