
Mo had his one year pediatrician visit yesterday. He measured 31 1/4 inches long and 22 pounds. He is in the 90th percentile for height and the 50th for weight. We've moved him onto milk from formula and it seemed it be a smooth transition....until yesterday, when his doctor suggested we start giving him his milk from a sippy cup. Mo loves drinking water from his sippy cup, so I figured this would be easy. I was wrong. He just spits it out.  This morning, I gave him his milk in a sippy cup and he spit it out. Then I switched it to a bottle and he drank it all up. Same liquid, different cup, different reaction? Makes very little sense...except for when I think about how much more I enjoy my beer in a chilled pint glass than I would having to drink it out of a room temperature ceramic mug.  So, this is my question - is it important that he not drink from a bottle? Is it just because other parents will judge me for having an over one year old who still drinks from a bottle? (I am fairly certain they'd find another reason to judge me even if I nipped this in the bud).  Should I just keep at it? What's the story?


Chantel said...

It's because the bottle can start to ruin their teeth. At least that's what my ped said. He told me to try and wean off the bottle by 15 months. My little guy wasn't ready at a year but did much better at 15 months. We just went cold turkey and he did fine without it.

Joyce Sachartoff said...

He probably associates the bottle with comfort. Noah had a night time bottle til after 2 years old and he has beautiful teeth. Just give him some water after the bottle to rinse his mouth and don't sweat it. Just my opinion.

Molly Renshaw said...

Shepard is still totally on the bottle. Dr.Jenna Roberts (from Marlborough) said it's fine and don't force it til they're closer to 2. I just can't bear to take it away from him since it gives him such comfort and instant relaxation. It's gonna be so hard when that day comes!

Raquel said...

The little one I nanny did the same thing we then switched to a little nubby straw cup and she takes it from that very well. However our dr agreed with us that as long as we're not putting her to bed with it it's not a big deal having her on one after one. By the way I've never commented before but love reading your daily posts and really admire you for the wonderful mother you are hope it doesn't weird you out that I read daily :)

Sarah P. said...

I think this is one of those things that people get so worked up about, but that it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things (and I know that you of all people understand the grand scheme of things, unfortunately). So what if Mo likes his milk in a bottle for a little while longer? Not the end of the world. Keep trying and don't sweat it. Anyone who judges you can go EFF themselves in my opinion! You are doing a great job for that adorable little guy. He is so very lucky to have you as his Mama.

Abby Leviss said...

Agreed Sarah P. It doesn't really matter. He will only be in this bottle phase once. He might as well enjoy it!

Rose said...

Gracie is more than two and still enjoys quickly drinking a bottle of mostly water with a splash of milk to make it white. It is one of those small things that she just loves, so I haven't wanted to take it away. She goes to the dentist and all seems to be in order, so I guess I've officially bucked the advice on this one-- though I usually don't (!)

Jayden's Mommy said...

We all need some sort of comfort. My oldest was taking a bottle until her 3rd birthday and has as perfect as you can get teeth. As long as he doesn't go to sleep with it it's fine. My pediatric said its just okay. Some people judge me my favorite answer: my baby is my baby and wouldn't go to college with a bottle. You are one of the most amazing moms I know. I wouldn't worry and Oh my oh my Mo is just beautiful.