Goodnight Moon

I read Goodnight Moon SO often to Max, I memorized it.  He loved this book.  Good thing - because we had three copies.  Two cardboard versions (one at our house and one at Grandma Susanna's) and a big regular book version.  What is it exactly about this book?  He would see the cover and smile and then really quiet down and get a little subdued and sleepy.  I read it in almost a whisper.  At the end I always added, "And, Goodnight Maxie".  I have been thinking about Goodnight Moon a lot because Moriah the Medium told me that Maxie misses my reading it to him.  I miss reading it to him also....and just plain reciting it.  When we were on our plane ride home from the East Coast in June, Max was so over tired.  I just leaned over and put my mouth right next to his little ear and whispered the words to his favorite book: "In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon, and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon...".  He looked at me with the funniest smile, like, "Mom!  The book isn't even here!".  But, he calmed right down.  He relaxed as soon as he started to hear the words.  We put a copy in his little coffin with him and I have brought it and read it to him several times while visiting him at the cemetery.  Does he hear me?  Does he know how much I want to lean over his shoulder and whisper the words in his tiny perfect ear?  Does he miss me?  Does he miss my reading to him?  I miss him so much I can barely stand it.  I miss my little Maxie - moon.


Bianca said...

I wish I was like Moriah the Medium and had more cosmic insights, but from my heart I can say that it feels to me like a mama and her baby's souls must be eternally intertwined and that in some way Maxie hears you and feels all of your love. I am so sorry that he is not in your arms for Goodnight Moon and instead there is a lifetime of missing your perfect baby, there is nothing sadder.

Jennyro22 said...

My heart and tears are with you and Max tonight and through out my days. The pain is suffocating. May he not know the agony of missing you as you miss him. My wish is he is surrounded by loved ones and at peace. One breath at a day. Stolen moments of peace. All the good karma I can send you!

Rebecca Patrick-Howard said...

Yes, he misses you and he surely misses you reading to him. :-) I think he probably hears you, too. I read your comment to the dude with the analysis of SIDS. What a moron. Bravo to you for standing up and voicing your opinion. As if we didn't have enough to deal with, there's always the dummy that has to go the extra mile to make the situation crappier...