Little Boys

Babies and little kids break my heart but little boys hurt me ten times more than little girls.  Little boys cuddling with their mommies.  Grasping onto her shoulders, sitting in her lap, grabbing onto each others faces and giving big kisses.  That should be us.  That should be Maxie and I.  I was so happy to be the momma to a little boy.  Little boys seemed less complicated to me, easier to maintain my relationship to through the years.  Plus, my little boy ...oh!  There are no words.  His smile melted my insides.  His little dimple made me crazy.  I could kiss his cheeks all day and night.  When I see a mommy loving on her little boy, my insides turn outside in.  Why not me?  Why don't I get to be with my little boy?  To all of you mommies with little boys, make sure to cuddle them an extra bit for me but don't tell me about it.  I can't think about it because it hurts too much.  It makes me much too jealous.  But, please your boys.  They are such a blessing.

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