Eight Months Old

Our Mo is eight months old today!!!!  He is unbelievable - such a delight.  We never thought we could love another person as much as we love Maxie, but we do!  We love him so much.  I've already pretty much brought you up to speed with all of his stats.  So, let's just cut straight to the photos:

And, another one - because he is really good at sitting up:


Anna said...

Abby, mo is gorgeous, gorgeous! His smile in the sitting up photo reminds me of your smile! Happy Birthday Mo! x

Egreeno said...

Happy 8 months Mo!!! LOVE the hair!!! Love to all of you, E

Rose said...

Such a handsome wonderful boy! I can't wait to meet him!

Tiffany Torres said...

ha! Mo and his hair are so amazing!!!

Abby Leviss said...

Thank you Anna!